Thursday, January 11, 2018

Block Lotto...??

First, it's been forever since I've put stuff up on this board. I was trying to put all my quilts in one place, and I fell down on the job! I'll put more old quilts later, but let's keep it current!

So my friends posted a block for a block lotto for retreat.  I decided to make 20 (max #) for more chances...I never win these things anyway! It was a disappearing 4. A pattern I've always admired and have pinned multiple times.

DANG, this is the most frog stitching, most piddly block ever! I may be exaggerating with the word "most" but I sure did frog stitch A LOT!!! (rip it! rip it! rip it!)

Here are the finished products (and let me say that after all that work, I'm not sure I want to trade them...they look so pretty....):


  1. I wouldn't want to trade them either. You are right. They look great. Carolyn G
